RGB LEDs are light-emitting diodes that mix red, green, and blue to create many different hues of light. In this codelab, learn how to control an RGB LED with your Raspberry Pi. Whether you're building a fun alert system or adding light effects to a DIY project, you can integrate a RGB LEDs into your Viam project quickly using a prebuilt module.

close up view of RGB LED

What You'll Build

close up view of RGB LED


What You'll Need

What You'll Learn

Watch the Video

See a demonstration of controlling the RGB LED in this video.

The Raspberry Pi boots from a USB flash drive (or microSD card). You need to install Raspberry Pi OS on a USB flash drive that you will use with your Pi. For more details about alternative methods of setting up your Raspberry Pi, refer to the Viam docs.

Install Raspberry Pi OS

  1. Connect the USB flash drive (or microSD card) to your computer.
  2. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager and launch it. raspberry pi imager
  3. Click CHOOSE DEVICE. Select your model of Pi, which is Raspberry Pi 4.
  4. Click CHOOSE OS. Select Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) from the menu.
  5. Click CHOOSE STORAGE. From the list of devices, select the USB flash drive you intend to use in your Raspberry Pi. raspberry pi storage
  6. Configure your Raspberry Pi for remote access. Click Next. When prompted to apply OS customization settings, select EDIT SETTINGS.
  7. Check Set hostname and enter the name you would like to access the Pi by in that field, for example, test.
  8. Select the checkbox for Set username and password and set a username (for example, your first name) that you will use to log into the Pi. If you skip this step, the default username will be pi (not recommended for security reasons). And specify a password.
  9. Connect your Pi to Wi-Fi so that you can run viam-server wirelessly. Check Configure wireless LAN and enter your wireless network credentials. SSID (short for Service Set Identifier) is your Wi-Fi network name, and password is the network password. Change the section Wireless LAN country to where your router is currently being operated. raspberry pi hostname username and password
  10. Select the SERVICES tab, check Enable SSH, and select Use password authentication. raspberry pi enable SSH
  11. Save your updates, and confirm YES to apply OS customization settings. Confirm YES to erase data on the USB flash drive. You may also be prompted by your operating system to enter an administrator password. After granting permissions to the Imager, it will begin writing and then verifying the Linux installation to the USB flash drive.
  12. Remove the USB flash drive from your computer when the installation is complete.

Connect with SSH

  1. Place the USB flash drive into your Raspberry Pi and boot the Pi by plugging it in to an outlet. A red LED will turn on to indicate that the Pi is connected to power.
  2. Once the Pi is started, connect to it with SSH. From a command line terminal window, enter the following command. The text in <> should be replaced (including the < and > symbols themselves) with the user and hostname you configured when you set up your Pi.
    ssh <USERNAME>@<HOSTNAME>.local
  3. If you are prompted "Are you sure you want to continue connecting?", type "yes" and hit enter. Then, enter the password for your username. You should be greeted by a login message and a command prompt. raspberry pi SSH login
  4. Update your Raspberry Pi to ensure all the latest packages are installed
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

Add your RGB LED

  1. Review the wiring diagram: The LED can be controlled via a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi. Refer to the following wiring diagram to see how to connect the Raspberry Pi to the RGB LED, using the breadboard and also resistors to control the flow of electricity.wiring diagram
    • Pin 12 (GPIO 18) to Blue
    • Pin 32 (GPIO 12) to Green
    • Pin 33 (GPIO 13) to Red
    • Pin 34 (GND) to Common
  2. Review the LED orientation: A common cathode RGB LED has four legs:
    • Common Cathode (GND): The longest leg should be connected to ground.
    • Red (R): Typically the leg next to the common cathode (to the left as shown below).
    • Green (G): The leg on the other side of the cathode (to the right as shown below).
    • Blue (B): The farthest leg from the cathode.
    common cathode diagram
  3. Wire the RGB LED to the Raspberry Pi: The breadboard simplifies the wiring process by providing a secure platform to connect components without soldering. Connect the longest leg of the LED (common cathode) to the ground (GND) pin (physical pin 34) on the Raspberry Pi. Then, connect the red, green, and blue legs of the LED to resistors (68Ω for red, 10Ω for green, and 10Ω for blue). These resistors should then be connected to pins 33, 32, and 12, respectively. Double-check connections to ensure correct polarity and avoid miswiring. photo of LED connected to Raspberry Pi

Now that you have physically connected the hardware components, let's configure the software in the next section.

Configure your machine

  1. In the Viam app under the LOCATIONS tab, create a machine by typing in a name and clicking Add machine. add machine
  2. Click View setup instructions. setup instructions
  3. To install viam-server on the Raspberry Pi device that you want to use to communicate with and control your webcam, select the Linux / Aarch64 platform for the Raspberry Pi, and leave your installation method as viam-agent. select platform
  4. Use the viam-agent to download and install viam-server on your Raspberry Pi. Follow the instructions to run the command provided in the setup instructions from the SSH prompt of your Raspberry Pi. installation agent
  5. The setup page will indicate when the machine is successfully connected. successful toast

Configure your Raspberry Pi board

To access the GPIO pins, let's add our Raspberry Pi board to our machine in the Viam app.

  1. In the Viam app, find the CONFIGURE tab.
  2. Click the + icon in the left-hand menu and select Component. add component
  3. Select board, and find the raspberry-pi:rpi4 module. This adds the module for working with the Raspberry Pi 4's GPIO pins. Leave the default name board-1 for now.
  4. Notice adding this module adds the board hardware component called board-1. The collapsible card on the right corresponds to the part listed in the left sidebar. added board
  5. Click Save in the top right to save and apply your configuration changes.
  6. Expand the TEST section of the panel to experiment with writing to physical pin 12. For example, try setting a High signal. test GPIO pins on board
  7. Set the signal to Low (for each pin previously set to High) to turn off the LED.

You can manually and programmatically use the GPIO pins of the board component to send PWM signals to control your LED. However, to streamline the following steps, let's use a prebuilt module from the Viam registry in the next section.

Configure your RGB LED

  1. In the Viam app under the CONFIGURE tab, click the + icon in the left-hand menu and select Component.
  2. Select generic, and find the led:rgbled module. This adds the module for controlling your RGB LED. Name the component rgb-led. select generic rgb led component
  3. In the new rgb-led panel, configure your component by adding the following attributes in the CONFIGURE field. This tells your LED component to use specific pins on a specific board (called board-1 in the Viam app).
      "board": "board-1",
      "red_pin": "33",
      "green_pin": "32",
      "blue_pin": "12"
  4. Select your board board-1 from the Depends on field. configure led
  5. Click Save to apply your configuration changes. This may take a moment.
  6. Since we are using a generic component, let's test it out under the CONTROL tab. Find your rgb-led component on this page. Expand the DO COMMAND field, input the following code, and hit Execute.
      "control_rgb_led": {
        "red": 0.8,
        "green": 0.5,
        "blue": 0.2,
        "duration": 2.0
    test rgb led You are executing a DoCommand on a generic component that has been predefined to accept parameters within a control_rgb_led command, such as red, green, blue, and duration. With these values, red will be at 80% brightness, green at 50% brightness, blue at 20% brightness - displaying a pulsating mixed color for a total duration of 2 seconds.
  7. Experiment with different numerical values in those fields to see what happens when you execute the command again. If you have extra time, try sending the following Do command.
      "ripple": {
        "duration": 7.0

What is the primary purpose for using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to control an RGB LED?

To provide a constant high voltage to the LED. To control the brightness and color of the LED by adjusting the signal duty cycle. To make sure the LED operates at full brightness without additional wiring. To power the LED directly from a USB port.

Now that your RGB LED is working the way you want it, it's time to tidy up our project so it's not a loose jumble of wires and parts.

  1. Assemble an enclosure for the Pi: 3D print (or buy) an enclosure for your Raspberry Pi. I found an existing design that I liked to fit a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B that provides access to the GPIO pins. You can additionally modify an existing design to include a built-in mount for your LED.
  2. Assemble an LED display: 3D print (or buy) a display for your RGB LED. I found these mushrooms that I liked originally designed for wireless LEDs, but could contain the LED and wires, and also function as a lamp shade to illuminate more surface area. RGB LED enclosure with wires coiled inside RGB LED wires at the bottom of the mushroom
  3. Position the LED: The LED can be placed as near or far to the Raspberry Pi as your jumper wires allow. Mushroom on top of Raspberry Pi

What you learned

Advanced scenarios for your Raspberry Pi projects

At this point, you have configured and tested your machine and LED to turn on, but nothing is happening automatically. You can create automatic processes that trigger actions when certain conditions are met, such as in the following examples.

In addition to the project ideas mentioned above, consider other ways to continue your journey with Viam.

Real-world applications and projects for RGB LEDs

RGB LEDs are small, but powerful components used in industries that require dynamic lighting and visual feedback. Their applications include:

Related Viam resources